Thursday, July 17, 2008

Well Now...

Okay, I've been giving you little teasers, little oddities, but I suppose I should just show you the final product...

(Note: This picture is completely unrelated. I just thought it would spoil things.)

I'll be explaining later, but you can just digest this picture for now.


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, do you like my new poster?

Anonymous said...

Squee!! That is really really cool!!! And look at that ink! It's so fresh. An ultraviolet one would have been really cool, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh...dear...god...I I just realized what this all means...Of all people, I never thought you would buy in...What would your family think...IT TOLD YOU THEY WERE LYING...SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!

-Comrade Chavez

Andrew Schnorr said...

Just a note (and as I said, more will be explained later), I got my parent's blessing before doing this. It was anything but an act of rebellion.

Anonymous said...

/shock Well, this leaves me and comrade chavez as strict adherents to americanism right comrade?

BTW, looks ok, how long have you had it?

Anonymous said...

i like it drew...