This has got to be the best costume of a fairly obscure video game character EVER. If I were a skinny blond chick, I would totally go for it on some Halloween. Mainly because I love the game and the character.
Cookie points to anyone who can figure out who it is (unhelpful hint: if you can't get it immediately, you probably don't know who it is).

aww man, i made a new years resolution to comment on your blog for the 116 days starting on the 1st. I just now remembered that I made that resolution. maybe next year.
p.s. that girl looks like a broke-ass Laura Croft
No idea. Maybe the Alice video game?
My "cousin" Lindsy? If not, may be she did modeling for a video game, that character sure does have an uncanny resemblence to Lindsy.
-Comrade Chavez
Either Samus Aran from the metroid series or Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
It's Alexandra Roivas. I'm surprised you found someone so willing to do a good cosplay of her, seeing as she's so simple, yet so hard to get.
And Squall wins the cookie points (which, just like in Whose Line is it Anyway?, mean absolutely *nothing*).
Here's a comparison picture.
And it's from Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, my vote for best game ever. If you have any machine capable of playing Gamecube games, play this game! That is all.
I still want an actual cookie...
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